AI pioneer Chris Boos talks about the future of machine learning

This week on Technotopia I talk to Chris Boos, the creator of a bot that can play FreeCiv, a Civilization clone. His solution demonstrates the power of machine learning and, wildly, has beat multiple humans and the game.

Boos’ company, Arago, specializes in building tools that build themselves. Humans can show his bots how to do something – manage a piece of software, for example – and the bots can write scripts automatically. He is bullish on AI on the whole but still thinks we have a long way to go before we hit a truly intelligent future.

Technotopia is a podcast about a better future by John Biggs. You can subscribe in Stitcher, RSS, or iTunes and listen the MP3 here.

Published at Thu, 09 Nov 2017 08:16:03 +0000