Apple marks World AIDS Day with in-store and in-app donations
After raising $160 million for the Global fund as part of its partnership with (Red), Apple is marking tomorrow’s World AIDS Day by offering up a bunch of opportunities to donate. The easiest of the bunch is the company’s promise to donate $1 to the fund for every transaction made with Apple Pay at the company’s retail stores, on its site or in-app.
In honor of the occasion, 400 of the company’s stores will turn their logos red for the week, and the App Store will offer content devoted to the invent. All of the proceeds from in-app purchases made on Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Jelly Saga and Candy Crush Soda Saga, meanwhile, will also go to benefit the fund.
Apple’s fundraising makes up more than a fifth of the $500 million (Red) has raised for the Global Fund since starting. The partnership has drummed up $30 million this year thus far, and provided the equivalent of 475 million days of medication since starting, according to the company.
“Connecting through our products and services helps make it easy for our customers to join us in the effort to create the first AIDS-free generation,” Apple VP Lisa Jackson said in a release tied to the news. “By working with (RED) to stop the transmission of HIV from moms to their unborn babies, we’re already seeing a significant impact in areas where help is needed most.
Featured Image: Pavel L Photo and Video/Shutterstock
Published at Thu, 30 Nov 2017 22:41:52 +0000