Comcast’s Xfinity internet service (and others) seem to be a bit broken nationwide this morning
Having issues with Comcast this morning? You’re very much not alone.
Right around 10 am Pacific, we started seeing reports from both coasts that the internet had suddenly slowed to a halt. Certain sites would load just fine, but the vast majority (from Reddit to Facebook to TechCrunch) simply timed out. A bit more digging suggested that many people reporting issues were on Comcast’s Xfinity service.
Down Detector’s user-generated outage map shows reports lighting up across the country
The same site shows a massive spike in reports just after 10 am Pacific.
Down Detector is also showing a similar spike in reports for Level 3, one of the Tier 1 or “backhaul” providers. If they’re having issues, it’ll ripple out to many other ISPs, including Comcast.
Comcast has acknowledged the issue on their customer service account, saying “some” customers are having issues — but didn’t give any insight as to what’s going on or any ETAs on when it’ll be fixed.
In other words: don’t bother resetting your router just yet. It doesn’t seem to be one of those problems.
Comcast says this is an issue with an “external network,” and that they’re still investigating.
Update #2:
As of 12:40pm Pacific, Comcast says the issues should now be fixed.
Level3 also sent me the following statement pinning the outage on a “configuration error”:
On Monday, Nov. 6, our network experienced a service disruption affecting some customers with IP-based services. The disruption was caused by a configuration error. We know how important these services are to our customers. Our technicians were able to restore service within approximately 90 minutes.
Published at Mon, 06 Nov 2017 19:35:14 +0000