Shopify’s live streaming the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales frenzy
Ever wonder what Black Friday’s consumerist rush looks like in real time? Now you can see it visualized in the stream above, which is a visualization of sales occurring on Shopify’s platform across its many merchants globally.
Those dots represent sales in actual merchant stores, and the lines indicate where the buyers are coming from relative to where the shops are based. As you can see, it’s a pretty international picture, though by far the area lighting up the most for this particularly North American consumer shopping spree day is, unsurprisingly, North America.
Just what does this pretty moving picture translate to in terms of actual number, though? Well there’s a live data site telling you how much the platform is seeing in terms of sales per minute (exceeding $300,000 every 60 seconds as of this writing) and orders per minute (around 3,300 or so).
Shopify is also breaking down what’s selling the most, in terms of product categories, and which cities are topping the list in terms of overall purchases (London, UK is leading right now, somewhat surprisingly). Check out more granular detail at the ecommerce company’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday microsite.
Published at Fri, 24 Nov 2017 14:35:09 +0000