Tech Takes Action helps New York’s tech community get involved with immigration and other key issues
Many of you have strong personal and political beliefs (or so I hope) — but aside from tweeting angrily, what’s the most effective way to put those beliefs into action?
Tech:NYC, a nonprofit group advocating for the New York tech industry in state and city politics, is addressing that problem with a new website called Tech Takes Action.
You may remember that Tech:NYC was launched on-stage at our Disrupt NY conference by Oath CEO Tim Armstrong and Union Square Ventures co-founder Fred Wilson. (Oath owns TechCrunch.) It’s already been vocal on some issues, particularly by bringing together tech CEOs to speak out against President Trump’s immigration ban.
While the organization is focused on bigger policy questions, Tech Takes Action can help you get involved individually. Over time, the site will highlight various issues, pointing to different actions that people can take and different organizations they can support.
Immigration is in the news again thanks to Trump’s decision to repeal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, so that’s the first issue Tech Takes Action is focusing on. The website currently directs visitors to call Congress, support the NYC/CUNY Citizenship Now! Volunteer Corps and donate to the Brooklyn Community Foundation Immigrant Rights Fund.
Tech:NYC Executive Director Julie Samuels writes:
Our ecosystem and our economy are strongest when we embrace diversity and inclusivity, which is why we need to act …
And so today we are launching Tech Takes Action, a site we built with support from our friends from Warby Parker. Tech Takes Action will provide curated opportunities to speak up, give back, and chip in, and we’re kicking it off with a focus on immigration. We’ll update the site regularly, giving the teams at our member companies the opportunity to pool resources across the community and stand up for the values that we all believe in.
Featured Image: ChrisHepburn/Getty Images
Published at Fri, 08 Sep 2017 20:06:41 +0000