Apple adds a documentary series about extraordinary homes to its streaming lineup

Apple has greenlit a new documentary series called “Home,” according to a new report from Variety out today. The series will give viewers an “inside look” at extraordinary homes from around the world — and those who built them — over the course of 10 one-hour episodes.

The show is the latest addition to Apple’s growing lineup of original shows, which are increasingly more competitive to those you’d find on other streaming services, like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu.

Yesterday, for example, word came out about Apple’s upcoming Reese Witherspoon thriller starring Octavia Spencer, called “Are You Sleeping.” The show also includes notable behind-the-scenes talent with Nichelle Tramble Spellman, a writer and producer for “The Good Wife” and “Serial” producer Sarah Koenig.

Koenig will be consulting on the show, which focuses on true crime podcasts’ growing popularity.

Apple also has a morning news TV show drama starring Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston in the works, a revival of “Amazing Stories” exec produced by Steven Spielberg and a new space drama from “Battlestar Galactica’s” creator, Ronald D. Moore.

With the new documentary series, that makes five shows Apple is working on — and the first that’s not a fictional TV drama of some sort.

Variety notes that “Home” will be exec produced by Matt Tyrnauer and Corey Reeser of Altimeter Films, Matthew Weaver, Ian Orefice and Bruce Gersh from Time Inc. Productions, and Joe Poulin, CEO of Luxury Retreats. Tyrnauer will direct and Altimeter Films, Time Inc. Productions, and Media Weaver Entertainment will produce.

Beyond that, little is known about the series itself — like which homes, where and whose.

Still, “Home” and the other new shows sound like a big step up from Apple’s earlier efforts in originals, which included flops like “Planet of the Apps” and an expanded, 20 minute per episode version of “Carpool Karaoke.”


Published at Fri, 05 Jan 2018 22:05:00 +0000