Increase speed to medium and whip until the mixture has lightened to a dark tan, with a lighter/more voluminous body than before. It will still be runny but thick enough to fall from the whisk in thin ribbons, about 5 minutes. Finally, increase speed to high, and continue whipping until the mixture is foamy and thick, light brown in color, and roughly doubled in volume, with a well-defined vortex pattern left in the eggs as it whips, about 8 minutes. When allowed to run off the whisk and into the bowl, the mixture should be able to briefly mound up on itself before leveling off. Please bear in mind all times are ballpark figures only and may vary considerably depending on the power and capacity of a given stand mixer, along with factors such as bowl-to-beater clearance (more on that here). In all cases, the visual and textural cues should be the primary guideline to determine readiness.
Published at Wed, 18 Dec 2019 07:43:50 +0000